Monday, 7 February 2011

How did you attract/adress your audience?

I felt that I was successful in attracting my audience, as when I showed my film opening to my selected target audience and class of 17-20 year olds, I got very positive feedback. Although some thought it may be appropriate for a slightly older age group. They recognised that it was a Film Noir, despite them not seeing many of these kind of films. This also helped to capture their interest as they said it was unlike most films today. I expected them to be a bit confused because of the use of enigmatic codes. However they said that they understood it an thought that I intended to create a sense of mystery and tension between the two characters.They thought that the combination of the camera work and music connoted this kind of sexual tension and that the woman was a little sinister and dangerous. Here is a short video clip of of the feed back I got back from a member of my audience, showing a preferred reading as well as print screen from face book comments from my video I uploaded:

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