Monday, 13 December 2010

Organisation: Actors and Casting

Organisation and Actors:
At the weekend I took shots of my main Actors Lizzie Hughes and Matthew Roach. I also took photos for my rough photostoryboard to use in the day of filming as well as the animatic so we can see if we need more shots to make up time or cut out any unneccasary detail. It will also give me a rough idea of what my sequence will look like and how long each shot will last for. We also ran through the scripting to make sure the actors were comfortable with the lines and did a run through just in my friends kitchen with a make-shift bar, without all the exact props and costumes. When doing the head shots I tried to do it in film noir dramatic lighting to practice for filming so I could tell exactly how much light I would need as well what angle my actors would have to face towards the light. It was really helpful in seeing what I will need to do when filming.

extra: Jessica Roach

playing the femme fetale: Lizzie Hughes. I chose to use my friend Lizzie as the actress as I asked her to run through the script with me and she seemed really interested in playing the role, due to her previous experiences with GCSE drama.
Playing the man at the bar who is trying to chat up the woman. I chose to use Matt as not only is he Lizzies boyfriend but he said that he would like to help out as it would make the scene seem a lot more natural if he acted, rather than someone who didn't know Lizzie.

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot of evidence of excellent planning and organisation. However, I wouldn't put so much information into each post, there is a danger that important information will get lost in the weight of words. The animatic really needs to be in a post of its own and try to embed the clip rather than simply provide the URL. It's important that you get the focus group to feedback on the animatic and then reflect upon how this might affect your planning for your final shoot.
